CrossFit Sörnäinen has been in business for 13 years and is located in Sörnäinen, Helsinki.
We are looking for someone to coach our morning group classes and/or Late evening classes with the possibility of adding Personal Training and light admin work to give you more hours. The job includes a month of job training and internal certification. Youll be working in a green and social environment under the core values Acceptance, Joy and Science together with a small team of dedicated and enthusiastic people.
In the recruitment process were looking at
Education/Training - do you have credentials or courses?
Experience - Coaching or marketing/sales?
Personality - expressing joy, energy and empathy
Schedule & Salary needs.
Yhteystiedot: CV
email: [email protected]
Työpaikan osoite: Käenkuja 3aD, 00500 Helsinki
Työ alkaa: Työskentely alkaa mahdollisimman pian
Työaika: Osa-aikatyö
Työn kesto: Toistaiseksi voimassa oleva
Hakuaika päättyy: 15.06.2023 20:00
Jätä hakemus:
Ilmoitus jätetty: 17.05.2023 13:47
Työmarkkinatorin ilmoitusnumero: a69f968a-a291-45e4-8802-01a39d55af8e
Lähde: Työmarkkinatorin asiakastietojärjestelmä
Julkaistu 17.05.2023